Nouvelle acquisition : The pursuit of salvation : community, space, and discilpine in early medieval monasticism
DIEM Elbrecht (éd.)
The pursuit of salvation : community, space, and discilpine in early medieval monasticism : with a critical edition and translation of the “Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines”
Turnhout : Brepols, 2021, 687 p.
Collection Disciplina Monastica ; 13
ISBN 978-2-503-58960-2
EUR 1078
A history of the monastic pursuit of eternal salvation in the early medieval West, revolving around a seventh-century monastic rule for nuns, the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines (“Someone’s Rule for Virgins”)
The seventh-century Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines (Someone’s Rule for Virgins), which was most likely written by Jonas of Bobbio, the hagiographer of the Irish monk Columbanus, forms an ideal point of departure for writing a new history of the emergence of Western monasticism understood as a history of the individual and collective attempt to pursue eternal salvation.
The book provides a critical edition and translation of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and a roadmap for such a new history revolving around various aspects of monastic discipline, such as the agency of the community, the role of enclosure, authority and obedience, space and boundaries, confession and penance, sleep and silence, excommunication and expulsion. (4e de couv.)
Albrecht Diem, Associate Professor of Late Antique and Early Medieval History at Syracuse University
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Corinne HÉLIN (14 juin 2021). Nouvelle acquisition : The pursuit of salvation : community, space, and discilpine in early medieval monasticism. IRHiS-Bibliothèque. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse