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Nouvelle acquisition : Conquest and Christianization : Saxony and the Carolingian World, 772-888

Conquest and Christianization : Saxony and the Carolingian World, 772-888
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2018, XVII-277 p.
Collection Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series ; 108
ISBN 978-1-107-19621-6

HMA 485

Résumé éditeur :

Following its violent conquest by Charlemagne (772–804), Saxony became both a Christian and a Carolingian region. This book sets out to re-evaluate the political integration and Christianization of Saxony and to show how the success of this transformation has important implications for how we view governance, the institutional church, and Christian communities in the early Middle Ages. A burgeoning array of Carolingian regional studies are pulled together to offer a new synthesis of the history of Saxony in the Carolingian Empire and to undercut the narrative of top-down Christianization with a more grassroots model that highlights the potential for diversity within Carolingian Christianity. This book is a comprehensive and accessible account which will provide students with a fresh view of the incorporation of Saxony into the Carolingian world. (4e de couv.)

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Corinne HÉLIN (28 janvier 2021). Nouvelle acquisition : Conquest and Christianization : Saxony and the Carolingian World, 772-888. IRHiS-Bibliothèque. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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