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Nouvelle acquisition : Death and Afterlife in the pages of Gregory of Tours : religion and society in late Antique Gaul

JONES Allen E.
Death and Afterlife in the pages of Gregory of Tours : religion and society in late Antique Gaul
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2020, 324 p.
Collection Social worlds of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages ; 6
ISBN 978-94-6298-804-0

HMA 478

Résumé éditeur :

Gregory of Tours was a bishop of late antiquity who was famously devoted to promoting the efficacy of saintly powers. In his writings, both historical and hagiographical, Gregory depicted the saints and reprobates of his age. This book analyses Gregory’s writings about death and the afterlife, thereby illuminating the bishop’s pastoral imperative to save souls and revealing his opinions about the fates of Merovingian royals, among many others he mentions in his voluminous text. The study provides insight into Gallic peoples living at the dawning of the Middle Ages and their hopes and fears about the otherworld. It affords an original, nuanced interpretation of Gregory’s motives for penning his works, particularly the Historiae, which remained unfinished upon the author’s death. (4e de couv.)

Allen Jones is Professor and Chair ot the Department of History and Philosophy at Troy University.

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Corinne HÉLIN (13 octobre 2020). Nouvelle acquisition : Death and Afterlife in the pages of Gregory of Tours : religion and society in late Antique Gaul. IRHiS-Bibliothèque. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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