Women artists in Early Modern Italy : careers, fame, and collectors

BARKER Sheila (ed.)
Women artists in Early Modern Italy : careers, fame, and collectors
Turnhout : Harvey Miller/Brepols, 2016, 181 p.
Collection The Medici archive project series
ISBN 978-1-909400-35-1

ITA 180

Résumé éditeur :

In the sixteenth century, women artists in Italy began to acquire an unprecedented level of fame, as attested by Vasari’s inclusion of several women in his second edition of the Lives. How women artists acquired this sudden prominence and how it developed over time under the influence of patrons and collectors are the questions that drive the contributions to this volume. Chapters on Sofonisba Anguissola, LucreZia Quistelli, Arcangela Paladini, Costanza Francini, Camilla Guerrieri Nati, and Artemisia Gentileschi reveal the range of issues that shaped women artist’s careers and reputations, including their roles as wives and mothers, their social status and family networks, their ages, and their geographic origins. Additional chapters on patronage and collecting trace the historical enthusiasm for women artists up to the late eighteenth century. These studies show that the fascination with women artists of early moderne Italy had the power to cross temporal, cultural, and geographic boundaries.

Axe de recherches :

  • Axe 2 : Arts et mémoires d’Europe

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Corinne HÉLIN (11 avril 2017). Women artists in Early Modern Italy : careers, fame, and collectors. IRHiS-Bibliothèque. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/lxri

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