Thinking through fashion
ROCAMORA Agnès (ed.), SMELIK Anneke (ed.)
Thinking through fashion : a guide to key theorists
London : I.B. Tauris, 2016, VIII-310 p.ISBN 978-1-78076-734-5
MOND 708
Learning how to think through fashion is both exciting and challenging, being dependent on one s ability to critically engage with an array of theories and concepts. This is the first book designed to accompany readers through the process of thinking through fashion. It aims to help them grasp both the relevance of social and cultural theory to fashion, dress, and material culture and, conversely, the relevance of those fields to social and cultural theory. It does so by offering a guide through the work of selected major thinkers, introducing their concepts and ideas. Each chapter is written by an expert contributor and is devoted to a key thinker, capturing the significance of their thought to the understanding of the field of fashion, while also assessing the importance of this field for a critical engagement with these thinkers ideas. This is a guide and reference for students and scholars in the fields of fashion, dress and material culture, the creative industries, sociology, cultural history, design and cultural studies.” (4e de couv.)
Agnès Rocamora is Reader in Social and Cultural Studies at the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. She is the author of Fashioning the city: Paris, Fashion and the Media (I.B. Tauris, 2009). She also co-edits the International journal of fashion studies.
Anneke Smelik is Professor of Visual Culture on the Katrien van Munster chair at the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands. Her books include Delft Blue to Denim Blue: Dutch Fashion (I.B. Tauris, 2016). She is project leader of the research programme ‘Carfting Wearables: Fashionable Technology’.
Axe de recherche :
- Axe 1 : Cultures visuelles et matérielles
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Corinne HÉLIN (29 mars 2016). Thinking through fashion. IRHiS-Bibliothèque. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse